Julio Ducuron was born in Rio Cuarto, Cordoba Province, Argentina on November 24, 1946. He is of French decent; his parents, Julio Loreto Ducuron and Elsa Lebrone descended from the French Basques of Madiran in the High Pyrenees Mountains.
Julio’s career as an artist began at a young age. His first art teacher, Professor Angel Vieyra, an artist in his own right, was witness to his young Julio’s first art competition in 1960. At just 13 years old, Julio won first prize in the Rio Cuarto Art plein air competition. The winning painting titled The Hillock, was also seen by Don Libero Pierini, a well known painter from Italy. Don Pierini was so taken by the art of Julio Ducuron that he interceded and spoke with Don Marciano Longarini, the principal of the local art school in order that Julio might attend the school before the required age. His request was granted and thus Julio Ducuron became the youngest student at the Escuela Provincial de Bellas Artes in Rio Cuarto, Argentina. There he studied under several highly regarded artists including Jorge Horacio Cordova, Jose Alvarez Soave, and Martin Santiago.
In 1964, Julio Ducuron graduated from the Fine Arts State School in Rio Cuarto, Argentina. A brilliant student he also obtained a degree in economic science. In 1965 and 1966, he studied painting and color at the Fine Arts Superior School in Cordoba City, Argentina. In 1970, he received the Fulbright International Award and traveled to Winona Lake, Indiana to study art.
1972, Julio Ducuron founded and directed the Fernando Fader Art Gallery in Rio Cuarto, exhibiting well known Argentine artists until 1991. From 1973 to 1976, he directed the Fine Arts County Museum in Rio Cuarto, Argentina. It was during that time that he created and hosted the television program The Museum Brought to Your Home. The program was well received but in 1976, the new military dictatorship removed the program from the airwaves.
By 1974, Julio Ducuron was sending paintings to Italy for regular exhibitions, and in 1976, he traveled to Milan, staying three months, during which time he exhibited at ten solo shows throughout Northern Italy, selling all 62 of his paintings in Milan, Legnano, Cremona, Bra, Bollate, Casale Monferrato, and Monza.
In 1988, he won the Haggai International Institute Award and traveled to Singapore to study and paint. Julio’s paintings of Singapore landscapes were exhibited in Atlanta and Singapore and remain in permanent collections there.
From 2000 until 2003, Julio served as director of Superior Fine Arts County School, Rio Cuarto, Argentina.
Professional Art Critic Reviews
Julio Ducuron's extraordinary paintings clearly convey his resolute commitment to both figurative art and impressionism. Born in Rio Cuarto, in Cordoba province, he not only is a renowned artist but also an indefatigable teacher who actively participates in the rich local cultural life.
His unique works reveal an experienced and sensible substance, since he skillfully approaches landscapes resorting to a broad perspective, sound knowledge and love of beauty.
Bountiful brush stokes that never obscure a flawless design rooted in the best aesthetic tradition, result in astounding paintings, deservedly admired and rewarded in this country and abroad.
His amazing works have been shown and praised in the United States, Italy, and even Singapore, a far away and friendly place that owns several Ducuron masterpieces.
The wonderful painting shown here is undoubtedly beautiful. It speaks about the artist's affection and regard for the countless charms and gifts of nature, a bottomless inspiration source, generously offers to all of us and particularly to those able to translate them into joyful images we truly take pleasure from.
Cesar Magrini, The Grand Book of Argentine Art, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2004 Edition
This exceptional art exhibition has given enthusiasm to the visitor public at the present show opening. The exhibition has impacted the curiosity of the art collectors whom has visited the personal exhibition of Ducuron, a great Argentine painter who has been distinguished by a strong and vibrant impressionism. Nice, young, and intelligent, he paints with an envious chromatic freshness. A precise painter of animal subjects, he puts on his canvas horses, cows, chickens, and other animals, giving a lot of vitality and movement, situating them in many ecological and natural environments where the tree's green shadows emanate freshness and perfume. The decisive magistral brush touch of the artist, the solid material impasto, the chromatic harmony and the tune effects create that reality of the Argentine landscape, rejected by modern men but to which it is necessary to return.
Amilicare de Gregorio, Artespazio, April 1976, Milan, Italy
It is a pleasure to look at Julio Ducuron paintings. We are talking of figurative painting, we may call it impressionism, in plein air, of pure joyful colors; without any hidden secrets nor enclosing any other message than the message of nature. Transcending its lively presence on a conventional landscape, without hesitations of any kind. A constant luminosity invades these Ducuron's canvases, a luxurious luminosity, from which, when the bass tunes and the quivering tints hue disappear, emerges with aggressive strength of the landscape with all its bright beauty.
Gudino Kramer, Cordoba Newspaper, Cordoba, Argentina January 3, 1973
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After the Rain
Selected Exhibitions
La Colombe D’Or Art Gallery, Houston, Texas 2014
Letters and Coffe Art Gallery, Rio Cuarto, Argentina 2014
Traveling Art Gallery, Sooke, BC, Canada 2013
El Socorro Art Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2013, 2011
ExpoRio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2012
Pabellón University of Art, Paris, France 2012
Arctic Rose Gallery, Anchorage, Alaska 2010
Library of the National University of Rio Cuarto, Argentina 2010
Fine Arts Museum of Zalau, Romania 2009
Gallery of the Nations, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2007
International Gallery of Contemporary Art, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2005
World Art Gallery, Ladera Ranch, California 2006, 2005
Legislative Power Palace, Cordoba State, Cordoba, Argentina 2003
Jadite Galleries, New York City, New York 2002
Alcira Gigena Museum, Córdoba, Argentina 2001
Economic Ciencies Profesionals Council, Río Cuarto, Argentina 2001
Latin American Art Museum, Miami, Florida 2001
National University of Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina 2000, 1981
Painter Artists Riocuartense Asociation, Río Cuarto, Argentina 2000, 1974
Rio Cuarto Museum of Fine Arts, Rio Cuarto, Argentina 2000, 1981
Vieyra Art Gallery, Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina 2000, 1998
Fernando Fader Art Gallery, Río Cuarto, Argentina 1990, 1976, 1973, 1975
Rio Cuarto Museum of Fine Arts, Rio Cuarto, Cordoba, Argentina 1981
L´Angolo del Collezionista Art Gallery, Legnano, Italy 1980
Lucense Art Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1979
Firenze Art Gallery, Rosario, Argentina 1978
Renom Art Gallery. Rosario, Argentina 1978, 1976
Villa Ascasubi Museum, Córdoba, Argentina 1978
Villa Costitución Museum, Sta.Fe, Argentina 1978
Borghese Art Gallery. Rosario, Argentina 1977
Goya Art Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1977, 1976
Mascia Art Gallery, Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina 1997, 1996
Mondialmineraria Art Gallery, Monza, Italy 1977
Octavio De la Colina Museum, La Rioja, Argentina 1977
Oscar Art Gallery, Bollate, Italy 1977
Rubinstein Art Gallery, Mar del Plata, Argentina 1977, 1976, 1973
S. Croce Art Gallery, Casale Monferrato, Italy 1977
Argentino Hotel Art Gallery, Río Tercero, Córdoba, Argentina 1976
Centro S. Magno Art Gallery, Legnano, Italy 1976
Finuart Art Gallery, Santa Fe, Argentina 1976
New Art Gallery, Bell Ville, Argentina 1976, 1975
Punto Art Gallery, Bra, Italy 1976
Salón Colón Art Gallery, Córdoba, Argentina 1976
Studio D'Arte Art Gallery, Legnano, Italy 1976
Torrazzo Art Gallery, Cremona, Italy 1976
Agnes Maldy Art Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1975
Corbacho Art Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1975
Génesy G Art Gallery, Mendoza, Argentina 1975
Gradiva Art Gallery, Buenos Aires. Argentina, 1975
Marplatense Art Gallery, Mar del Plata, Argentina 1975
Foundation Lowe Art Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1974
Buchardo Museum, Córdoba, Argentina, 1973
Córdoba Art Gallery, Córdoba, Argentina 1973
Walter de Navazio Museum, Bell Ville, Córdoba, Argentina 1973
Círculo Art Gallery, Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina 1968, 1966
Permanent Collections
City of Córdoba, Argentina
Commercial Museum of Beautiful Arts, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Haggai Institute, Atlanta, Georgia
Haggai Institute, Singapore
Latin American Art Museum, Miami, Florida
Libero Pierini Provincial School of Fine Arts, Rio Cuarto, Argentina
Lucense Art Center of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Luján State Museum of Art, Luján, Argentina
Mariano Moreno Public Library, Río Cuarto, Argentina
Monza County Museum of Art, Monza, Italy
Monza County Museum of Fine Art, Rio Cuarto, Argentina
Mujeres Argentinas para el Fondo Patriótico, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Municipal Museum of Fine Arts, Monza, Italy
National University of Río Cuarto, Argentina
Octavio de la Colina County Museum, La Rioja, Argentina
Provincial Museum of Fine Arts, Luján, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Ramón Gómez Cornet State Museum of Art, Argentina
Río Cuarto County Museum of Art, Argentina
State School of Fine Arts, Río Cuarto, Argentina
Walter de Navazio County Museum of Art, Bell Ville, Argentina
Honors and Awards
Distinction, Circle Foundation Artist of the Year Award, Lyon, France 2017
First Prize, Regional Painting Competition, Cordova, Argentina 2010
Honorary Award, Argentine National Hall, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2010
Honorable Mention, Global ArtNow, London, England 2010
Honorary Award, J. B. Moroni Art Critics International, Bergamo, Italy 2007
Grand Book of Argentine Art, publisher Ediciones Institucionales 2004
First Prize, Expression International, Miami, Florida 2002
Second Prize, Art Award, Central Businessman, Argentina 2002
Second Prize, Art Award, Central Businessman, Argentina 2001
Artist Prize, Provincial Award of Painting, Argentina 2000
Second Prize, IX National Awards, San Luis, Argentina 2000
Second Prize, Area of Material, Río Cuarto, Argentina 1991
Second Prize, Regional Award of Painting, Argentina 1986
Second Prize, Day of the City of Río Cuarto, Argentina 1980
Artist Prize, Río Cuarto Culture Institute, Argentina 1979
Artist Prize, School of Fine Arts Fernando Fader, Bell Ville, Argentina 1979
Protagonist Prize of Córdoba Province, City of Córdoba, Argentina 1979
Second Prize, Cerealista of Plastic Arts, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1978
First Prize, Internazionale di Pittura, Monza, Italy 1977
Second Prize, Cerealista, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1977
Speciale Prize, Bienale Internazionale D´Art, Monza, Italy 1976
Gold Medal, Second Annual Awards of Jockey Club, Argentina 1975
Artist Prize, Peace Argentine Counsel, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1974
First Prize, Annual Provincial Award of Jockey Club, Argentina 1974
Medal of the Gral, Córdoba, Argentina 1972
Artist Prize, Plastic Arts Autumn Award, Argentina 1971
Artist Prize, State of Córdoba, IV Annual National Award, Argentina 1971
Second Prize, First National Award of Autumn, Argentina 1970
First Prize, Art Award, Anniversary of Río Cuarto, Argentina 1968
First Prize, Art Award, Circle Art Gallery, Río Cuarto, Argentina 1965
First Prize, Art Award, Municipalidad of Río Cuarto, Argentina 1965
First Prize, Award V Week of North Band, Río Cuarto, Argentina 1965
Third Prize, County Museum of Fine Arts, Cordoba, Argentina 1965
Second Prize, 'Líbero Pierini' The Circle Art Gallery, Argentina 1964
First Art Prize, National School of Commerce, Río Cuarto, Argentina 1961
First Prize, Painting Award, Río Cuarto, Argentina 1960
Argentine Art Around the World,
Institutional Editions, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2006
Art & Antiques, national magazine, USA 2006
Decorating Solutions Magazine, national magazine, USA 2006
Country Almanac Decorating, national magazine, USA 2006
Orange Coast Magazine, Orange County, California 2006
Wikipedia, online, 2006
World Art Gallery Catalogue, Ladera Ranch, California 2006.
Florida Design Magazine, Florida 2005
The Big Book of Argentine Art,
Institutional Editions, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2004
Nuestros Maestros del Arte: Julio Ducuron
Horizontes Cercanos, Río Cuarto, Argentina 2003
Landscapes of My Life,
Hector O. Otegui, Editor, University of Rio Cuarto, Argentina 2000
Men and Women of Rio,
Editor, Cottolengo Don Orione Group, Argentina 2000
Espigas Foundation Publication, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1998
Raíces, Río Cuarto, Argentina 1991
Realidad, Rio Cuarto, Argentina 1990
History of the Municipal Museum of Fine Arts,
Department of Culture, Rio Cuarto, Argentina 1980
Bauen Business Magazine, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1978
Protagonists, Cordova, Argentina 1978
Il Dubbio, Amilcare De Gregorio, Italy 1976
Bohemia y Figura, Cordova, Argentina 1973
Rio Cuarto, Argentina 1968
50 Years of Visual Arts in Cordoba,
Angel T. Lo Celso, Argentina 1966
Visual Arts in Rio Cuarto, Franklin Arregui Cano, Argentina 1965